Sunday, August 9, 2020

Mid-America Cancellation


To all my friends and TOTS,

The time has come to cancel the last Tater Tour trip for 2021, the great Mid-America trip!  Once again, due to the continued  COVID-19 virus and with no vaccine in sight, Tater Tours will be looking forward to seeing all the Tater Tots next year!!!  Like the previous 2 cancellations of trips, I will be moving the Mid-America trip to September 2021.  Dates unknown at this time and the same itinerary will be used.  I will be working on all my trips in a few months and details will be sent out to those that have signed up for the 3 cancellation trips plus the 2 added ones, AVA Convention and Trip for my Canadian friends to Nevada, Utah & Arizona. The following outline is for 2021:

1.     Nevada, Utah, & Arizona for April

2.    Northwest Conference in Oregon for May

3.    AVA Convention in Wisconsin for June

4.    Mid-America in September

5.    Another Nevada, Utah, & Arizona trip in October for my Canadian friends!

These trips are all "Sold Out" but some of the Waiting Lists are short, so don't hesitate to email me and get on that LIST!

Please stay healthy and continue to walk and support AVA and your local clubs!  Until we meet again!

  • Mary (Head Tater)