Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Update with COVID-19 Virus



I wanted to let all my faithful Tater Tots and also my new customers know that I cancelled my above trip on March 16th, 2020.  We all are going through some "trying times" with this ugly virus but we will make it through this in time!  I hope that everyone is practicing the new guidelines that have been instituted by the CDC.  Some of these practices would be good if we even continued them after this is all behind us!  So I have been busy cancelling hotels and bus transportation for the trip and all are very understanding.  Refund checks were sent out on March 23, 2020 to those TOTS requested refunds and for the others, the amount was transferred to the April 2021 Tour.  (I will be running the same tour, with possible minor changes.) EVERYONE THAT WAS ON THIS TRIP FOR 2020 IS AUTOMATICALLY INCLUDED ON THE 2021 TOUR! You will be contacted by the Head Tater at a later date of when the actual 2021 Tour will be.  (Possibly April 6th - 17th, 2021)

For all the TOTS that were on the waiting list for 2020, I am possibly thinking of running the same tour in 2022!  Stay-tuned!

Update on my next tour, the Northwest Conference in Oregon for June 22nd - July 1st.  Plans are still progressing with this trip.  I have been in contact with the Regional Director and Conference Committee. Decisions will be made towards the end of April. 

Thanks everyone for your support and understanding!  Now go outside for a hike!


Mary (Head Tater)