Thursday, April 30, 2020

Cancellation of NW Conference trip


Due to the ongoing Covid-19 virus and the uncertainties that this ugly virus is doing to everyone's life and travels, I am sorry to inform my TATER TOTS that I am cancelling the Northwest Conference & More trip that was scheduled for June 22nd - July 1st.  Consulting with the Regional Director and the Planning Committee it was decided that the Conference will now be held May 20th - 23rd, 2021.  I will be working on the specific dates for my trip and do not anticipate and changes to the trip. (The only change that I see in my schedule is the actual walk in Crater Lake National Park, but am still wanting to visit!!  It's been on my Bucket List!)

I will be announcing my 2021 Tours sometime in August!  With 2 of my Tours cancelled (Nevada, Utah & Arizona and Northwest Conference for this year, I am just rolling them over to 2021.  Then we have the AVA Convention in June but unfortunately that trip is sold out already!  I look forward to seeing everyone on the Trail soon!

As of now, I am moving forward with my Mid-America Tour in September!

Hope everyone is staying healthy and still walking!!

Mary (Head Tater)